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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Heather DeWeese-Adkins Named Director of Public Relations for Health Alliance/The Christ Hospital

Heather DeWeese-Adkins (Indiana Wesleyan University Alum - MSM 196 Class)

Names Director public relations/marketing for Health Alliance/The Christ Hospital


When Heather DeWeese-Adkins is working as director of public relations, marketing and physician relations for The Christ Hospital, people around her are energized by her high energy and positive determination to achieve results.


“I get to learn something new everyday and give back to the community through my work,” she said.


Adkins, now a resident Lakeside Park, credits much of her determination and passion to her grandmother, Irene Osborne, who helped raise her. Her grandmother, she said, instilled in her that:


• Learning is the sugar you can draw from any situation good or bad.


• If you need it, you can reach deep inside yourself and find the grit to smooth or bore through any mountain.


• You have a responsibility to share your blessings, to give back to those in need.


Those lessons also can be seen through Adkins’ volunteer work with the Secret Safe Place for Newborn program, menopausal programs, infertility programs and the Women’s Crisis Center.

